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Results for "author_first: "Diana Butler", author_last: "Bass", latest_content: 1"
Diana Butler Bass A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Diana Butler Bass, author and independent scholar of American religious history.
Freeing Jesus From one of the most articulate of liberal Christian writers, a rediscovery of Jesus as a presence to transform lives and communities.
Freeing Jesus Insights about Jesus being present even when he is not mentioned by name.
Grateful A celebration of the spiritual practice of gratitude as a heart opener, a soulful adventure, and a meaning maker in political circles.
Grateful A description of a high school graduation as an arena of thanksgiving.
Grounded An explanation of spiritual practices for the home which John Wesley called holy habits.
Grounded A beautiful explanation of a broad and inclusive concept of God that can be embraced by all seekers.
Christianity for the Rest of Us Diana Butler Bass on the practice of hospitality in Christian literature.
Christianity After Religion A thought-provoking map of post-religious Christianity.
Christianity After Religion Diana Butler Bass on spirituality as a critique of institutional religion and a longing for meaningful connection.